Welcome to SusTrainable - Promoting Sustainability as a Fundamental Driver in Software Development Training and Education

This web page is dedicated to the ERASMUS+ project No. 2020-1-PT01-KA203-078646


Sustainability as a key driver for the development of modern society and the future of the planet has never achieved as much consensus worldwide as today.

Ultimately, it is the hardware of ICT systems that consumes energy, but it is software that controls this hardware. Thus, controlling the software is crucial to reduce the ever-growing energy footprint of ICT systems. The Sustrainable project advocates the introduction of all facets of sustainability as a primary concern into software engineering practice.

This project aims to actively promote educating the next generation of software engineers to consider sustainability in all aspects of the software engineering process: SusTrainable means Training for Sustainability. We aim to provide future software engineers with essential skills to develop software that is not only functionally correct, but also easy to maintain and evolve, that is durable, has a low impact and uses the hardware it is running on in the most energy-efficient way.

Our objective is to train the future avant-garde software engineers for the sustainable software and ICT that the knowledge-based, environmentally concerned societies of the 21st century demand. The majority of summer school participants are close to their transition from learning to doing and will soon join the European software engineering workforce. They will carry the ideas, concepts and methods they learned at the summer schools into industrial software engineering practice worldwideacross Europe. Furthermore, they will act as facilitators and multipliers alike for a sustainable future software-driven Europe. Conversely, we provide the ubiquitous enthusiasm of the younger generation for sustainable development a constructive, meaningful and high-impact route forward.

For this purpose we assemble a broad and diverse consortium of researchers and educators from 10 selected universities and 7 countries from across Europe.